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How to follow our trades.
See Sample of Daily Investor Chart.

These 20 stocks are a result of our primary daily algorithms that investigate thousands of the highest-volume stocks traded worldwide and provide a shorter list of stocks having high potential for short-term upward moves. High volumes are required to get the best fills at market openings.

Many investors are familiar with stock trading systems such as MACD or Swing Trading that key followers use to trade stocks at certain times. Our algorithms use many cycles and methods to provide the most likely sequencing of short-term cycles for a specific Buy and Sell signal on the largest traded assets available to them.

We have several years of experience with Interactive Brokers and their $1.00 per trade fees. There are a few cents extra on the sell-side, but their worldwide offices and “Smart Exchange” fills are excellent competitive advantages.

How to start.
1. We use $2000 in each stock which produces 98% of the profit from $4,000 per stock. $1000 per stock produces about 80% of the profits from using $2000 per stock.

For additional 'potential profits', some Subscribers can watch market opening Futures prices 10 to 15 minutes before the market opens in order to make later trades. Here is a general idea of how to potentially improve your performance.

See FUTURES HERE > DOW (top) and S&P (next) > Bloomberg

If the Dow Futures value is DOWN by 50 points or more, hold your BUYS until a better price will likely be available.
If the Dow Futures value is UP by 50 points or more, hold your SELLS until a better price will likely be available.

You can test different values of the DOW futures to best work for your account. In many cases, waiting just a few seconds can provide much better fills.